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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(5):163-181.
부모, 또래, 교사가 아동과 청소년의 자아개념발달에 미치는 영향: 중국 조선족과 한국 아동 및 청소년 비교
Parents' Peers' and Teachers' Influence on the Self-concept of Korean-Chinese and Korean Children and Adolescents
Hyewon Park-Choi, Sarah Lee
Dept. Child & Family Welfare, Ulsan National University, College of Human Ecology, Kyung Hee University
This study compared influential factors on adolescent's (10-16 years of age) self-concept in Korean-chinese and Korean cultures. The influence of parenting, peer relationship, and teacher's support on the development of children's and adolescent's self-concept was assessed with Korean-Chinese and Korean elementary, middle, and high school students. The subjects were 210 Korean-Chinese children and 300 Korean-Chinese adolescent from Shenyang, China, and 280 Korean children and 400 Korean adolescents from Seoul and Ulsan, Korea. Data were analyzed by t-test, factor analysis, and multiple regression. The results revealed differential influences of factors between the two cultures. Korean-Chinese children's self-concepts were influenced by teacher's support and parenting, while Korean children's self-concepts were significantly influenced tv their peer relationships and teacher's support. Korean-Chinese adolescent's! self-concepts were influenced tv teacher's support and parenting, while Korean adolescent's self-concepts were influenced by parenting and teacher's support.
Keywords: 자아개념, self-concept, 부모의 양육행동, parenting, 또래관계, peer relationship, 교사의 지지, teacher`s support
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A comparative Study on Media Environments and Media use of Korean-Chinese, Chinese, and Korean Adolescents  2005 February;43(2)
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