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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(2):159-174.
중국 조선족, 한족, 및 한국 아동과 청소년의 미디어환경, 이용실태 및 영향요인
A comparative Study on Media Environments and Media use of Korean-Chinese, Chinese, and Korean Adolescents
Hye-Won Park, Jungsook Koo, Bokhee Cho
Dept. of Child & Family Welfare, Univ. of Ulsan, College of Human Ecology, Univ. of Kyunghee
A comparison of students' media environments and media use patterns among Korean-Chinese in Yanji and Shenyang, Chinese students in Yanji and Korean students in Ulsan revealed significant differences. The research surveyed 3,241 students between 10-18 years old on their home media environments, media use patterns and social characteristics including achievement motivation and the locus of control. Korean children not only have more media in their homes, but they are also heavier users of computers and other media than the other two groups. Despite the lower rates of access to computers and other media at home, Korean-Chinese in Yanji reported more use of media including TV, VCRs and computers at the computer rooms than Chinese students in Yanji. Additional analyses revealed negative correlations between computer gaming at home and at computer rooms and achievement, internal locus of control and psychological and physical home environments. Impacts of Korea culture and societal changes on the Korean-Chinese use of media, and choice of media language were discussed.
Keywords: 조선족, Korean-Chinese, 한족, Chinese, 한국인, Korean, 청소년, adolescent, 미디어이용, media use, 성취동기, achievement motivation
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