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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(4):43-52.
논문편 : 학령기 아동의 도시락 영양섭취실태에 관한 연구 - 서울 K 국민학교를 중심으로 -
유한공업전문대학 식품영양과
Nutritional Survey on the School Children Box lunch -Based in K Elementary school children in Seoul-
This study is intended to reveal the nutritional realities of school children due to their box lunch. The samples were chosen at random from the third grade to the sixth grade children in an elementary school in Seoul : 122 male and 111 female children, 233 children in all. among the subjects, 44.3% have a family of four, 34.3% have over 500,000 won of family income a month, and 44.3% of their mothers graduated from a high school. The average intake of calories is 573.6 Kcal, and the ratios of the calory intakes to the recommended amounts are 90.6% in the third grade children and from the fourth grade to the sixth grade, 79.5% in the male children and 82.9% in the female children. The average consumption of protein is 21.0g and the ratio of animal protein is 41.4%. the ratio of energy yield nutrients is 67.4% : 14.5 : 18.0 (carbohydrate : protein " fat). Considering the recommended amounts, the intake of protein is enough; the consumption of vit, A, thiamine, niacin are appropriate;and the intake of calories, Riboflabin and ascorbic acid, calcium, iron are deficient. Even though there is no significant difference between the socioeconomic factors (the standard of education of the subjects' mothers and family income0 and the intakes of calories and protein, there is a tendency that the consumption of protein intake si more abundant in the middle class than in any other class. The subjects' distribution of the physical growth index, is as follows; A (6.9%), B(19.3%), C(48.5%), D(13.7%) and E (11.6%). As the subjects' intake of calcium increases, the weight shows significant improvement (p<0.001). As the consumption of calories increases, the physical development shows significant improvement (p<0.05), and the weight shows significant increase (p<0.001).
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