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Hum. Ecol. Res Search


Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(3):35-43.
논문편 - 식생활 분야 : 남해도 지역의 임신후반기 임부의 영양실태 조사
A Nurition Survey of the Latter Half of Pregnancy in Nam-Hae Do
Gui Se Ra Lee
The purpose of this survey was to investigate the nutrient and food intake and haematology of the latter half of pregnant women in Nam Hae Do. The nutrient intake study was performed by Twenty-four hour dietary recall method. As Haematology, RBC, Hb. and Hct were measured. 1. The results of nutritional survey were, 1) The mean nutrient intakes that were below the RDA were Protein, Calorie, Calcium and Iron. 2) The mean nutrient intakes that were above the RDA were Vitamin A, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Ascorbic acid. 3) Most of calorie and other nutrients were obtained from vegetable food sources. 4) Animal protein intake was 33% of total protein intake and most of this value was obtained from fish and shell fishes. 2. The extent of malnutrition was explained in terms of the amount of calorie, protein, calcium and iron. The results were, The predicted percentage of deficiency, in case of Calorie, 53.3% of total subjects. in case of Protein, 52% of total subjects. in case of Calcium, 78.7% of total subjects. in case of Iron, 54.7% of total subjects. 3. The results of Haematology were, 1) The mean level of RBC, Hb and Hct were 3.76106cm/㎣, 10.47gm%, and 32.56% 2) There were significant correlation between calorie intake and Hct level, protein intake and RBC level, Iron intake and MCHC level.
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