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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(8):67-80.
남자청소년의 컴퓨터 게임이용과 게임 중독성 및 공격성
정유정1, 이숙2
전남대 대학원1, 전남대 가정관리학과 교수 · 가정과학연구소 전임연구원2
Computer-game Activities, Addiction and Aggression of Middle School Boys
정유정1, 이숙2
The purpose of this research was to find the relationships between use of computer games, computer game addiction and middle school boy's aggression. The subjects were 511 boys of 2 middle schools in Kwang-ju, Korea. The method was self-reporting questionnaire. For data analysis, frequency distribution, percentage, Cronbach's u coefficient were estimated. ANOVA, Duncan test, Pearson's coefficient, and multiple regression analysis were used. The major findings of the research are as follows ; First, most boys(91.4%) play computer game more than once in a week. And have over 2 years computer game experience. Second, computer game addiction score and aggression score, in general, tend to be below the mean scores. Third, boys who play computer game activities of high frequency, start play computer game at earner age, spent playing longer times of computer game, and like more on-line game were addicted to the computer game more than who don't. And boys who spent playing long times on computer game were more aggressive than who don't. Fourth, the influencies of computer game activities variables on aggression were not found significantly. But the influencies of computer game addiction were found significantly.'Negative sentiment sociality' was the most influencial variable on aggression. The influncies of 'Distortion of the reality'and 'Lost of self-control' was followed.
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A Study on the Appearance Satisfaction Sociality and Achievement Motive of Middle School Boys and Girls  1994 December;32(5)
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