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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(8):1-18.
남 , 녀 청소년간의 자아존중감 및 물질주의 가치관과 의생활 , 식생활 행동
박성연1, 이종미2, 임숙자3
이화여자대학교 가정과학대학 소비자 · 인간발달학 전공1, 식품영 양학 전공2, 의류직물학 전공3
Adolescents′Self-Esteem and Materialism as related to Clothing and flood Behavior
박성연1, 이종미2, 임숙자3
The purpose of this study was two folds; One is to explore the adolescents'self-esteem, materialism, clothing and food behavior according to their gender and socio-economic status(SES). The other is to examine the relations among those variables. The subjects were 530 high school students(246 boys; 284 girls) in Seoul. Data were collected through questionnaires. As results, boys and adolescents from higher SES show higher self-esteem compared to girls and those from low SES. There was no gender difference in materialism, but adolescents from lower SES haute higher materialism. Girls buy clothes and eat out more frequently and spend more money on them. As anticipated, there were significant negative correlations between self-esteem and materialism. Moreover, adolescents who hale higher self-esteem and lower materialism tend to behave more desirable patterns of colthing and food behavior.
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