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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(5):239-248.
논문편 : 제주도 지역 냉난방 설비 , 보조기구 사용실태와 거주자의 평가
제주대학교 가정관리학과
Survey on the Uses of Heating-Cooling Facilitis.Accessory Devices and Residents' Evaluation in Cheju Province
to design nature-affinitive, reasonable and effcient thermal environment plannings and facilities, the holding patterns of heating-cooling facilities·accessory devices and residents' evaluation in Cheju Province were surveyed as well as residents' understanding for them. Major findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1) In the cooling system, the percentage of air-conditioner possessor was 19.4%, which was lower possessive rate than mainland's. The location of air-conditioner was mainly public area. That is, 55.3% of the location is livingroom, and the rest was Anbang. the general cooling accessory device was a fan. It was frequently used at the children's room and the dining room. The possessive patterns of air-conditioner depend on the characteristics of residents, such as the academic carrier and the average monthly income. Characteristics of house for air-conditioner possess depend on the location, house type, the size of floor space. 2) In the heating system, individual heating system reached to 57.3%. Heating accessory devices were oil stove and electric heating blanket. Only 32.2% of survey population were holders. 3) Residents preferred better ventilated room arrangement, which was characteristic of subtropical areas. 4) The preferred condition for heating-cooling facilities and accessory devices were strong solidity, less air pollution, and less noise.
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A Survey on the actual conditions of Lighting Environment and Residents' Evaluation in Liveing rooms  1997 August;35(4)
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