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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1991;29(3):191-207.
논문편 : 부모교육경험이 부모의 자녀교육관에 미치는 영향
이화여자대학교 가정관리학과 대학원생
The Effect of Parent Education Program on Parent's Educational Views
The present study investigated the parent's educational views according to sex, age, educational level of parent, and social class. The study also examined parent's educational views resulting from participation of parent education and the types of parent education of marital partner. The subjects were consisted of 162 couples(324 persons) whose children were attending elementary school in Seoul. The instrument was "A tools of Parent's Educational Views Measurement". The major findings are: 1. Parent's educational views showed a tendency to be adult oriented rather than child centered regardless of parent's sex and age. However, the higher parent's education and SES are, the more child oriented views are. 2. Mothers who had participated in the specialized parent education were found to be child oriented educational views. 3. The fathers whose wives participated in the specilized parent education showed the child oriented educational views, probably because of mothers' influence on fathers' educational views.
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