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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1990;28(4):51-63.
논문편 : 아파트 거주자의 물품수납 의식 및 만족도 연구 - 침실을 중심으로 -
연세대학교 생활과학대학 주생활학과
A Study on Apartment Resident's Satisfaction and Recognition on Storage Space in Bedrooms
The purpose of this study is to find out the present conditions and the residents' satisfaction with the storage spaed and furniture in apartment smaller than 40 pyoun(132㎡). The following were investigated; 1. the rate of residents using beds and their future desire for using beds. 2. the rate of households that have built-in furniture, and residents' desire for having them. 3. types of storage furniture more needed. 4. residents' level of satisfactio with the present storage space. 5. the depths of wardrobes and the heights of racks inside wardrobes. 6. storing conditions of articles seasonal or seldom used.
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