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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1990;28(2):73-89.
논문편 : 가사노동의 경제적 가치평가에 관한 연구
부산대학교 가정관리학과
Estimates of the Economic Value of Houshold Work by Fulltime Home Makers
The aim of the present study is to estimates the economic value of household work done by fulltime home makers, using alternative methods of valuation household work in Pusan Korea. Eight findings, five different methods -Self Estimation by Home Makers, Reservation Wage, Opportunity Cost, Individual function Cost, Replacement Cost(Visiting Housekeeper, Housekeeper, General Managemet, Housekeeper & General Management)- are tried for the estimation of economic value of household work. The results of this study can be outlined as follows : 1) The economic value of household work varies substantially by the methods of estimating. The averages are : 2) The economic value of household work varies with the level of education, ages, the number of children, the stage of FLC in all method of estimation, and the level of income in self estimation by home makers, Reservation wage. Specially, FLC revealed good explanation variable in method of estimation as input household work time. 3) The gap between two-day survey and three-day survey in household work time questionaire didn't so much.
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