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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1990;28(2):47-55.
논문편 : 서울시내 주부들의 영양지식과 태도 및 식생활 실태에 관한 조사 연구
명지대학교 가정학과 대학원생
A Study on the Nutritional Knowledge, Attitudes, and Dietary Patterns of Housewives in Seoul
The purpose of this research ws to study nutritional knowledge, attitudes, and dietary patterns of housewives in Seoul. Four hundred and seventy housewives were examined from September 27 to October 4, 1989. The results obtained were as follows; 51.8% of housewives ranked guidance of parents as their first choice of factors which influence food habits. 30.9% of housewives ranked TV and radio as their primary sources of nutritional information. Nutritional knowledge had positive correlation with their nutritional attitude (+0.11) and their food habits(+0.24). Nutrition attitude had some correlation with food habits(+0.09). The clinical symptoms of nutritional deficiency had negative correlation with variables such as nutritional knowledge(-0.05), nutrition attitude(-0.06) and food habits(-0.17).
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