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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(4):31-41.
논문편 : 여고생의 체중 조절 관심도에 따른 섭식 태도 및 식품의 가치평가에 관한 연구
영락 고등학교
The Study on Eating Behavior and Value Evaluation of food with Concern for weight Control in High School Girls
The purpose of the present study was to test the behavior of dietary life, the preception of body image and the attitude of body weight control of the subjects, and to imagine difference of value evaluation about thirteen foods. the subjects were 570 high school students who were living in Seoul. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. In selecting actual and ideal body sizes from a series of five outline drawings of female figures that ranged form 20% underweight to 20% overweight, 64% of the subjects selected overweight drawing s as their actual sizes, and 85.1% of the subjects selected underweight ones as the ideal sizes. 59.3% of the subjects had a desire to lose weight, 20.8% to gain weight. Those who think they are thinner than standard body weight were more satisfied with their body sizes than those who think they are fatter than that. Most subjects (79.8%) were concerned about their weight control, and the majority of them (36.1%) began to take concerns about it in their high school days, through the conversation with their friends about their body sizes. 2. In this study, thirteen foods were chosen as samples; rice, bread, salad, milk, cola, cider, juice, duck-bok-ki, chocolate, batterfriend foods, chinese noodles, cookies, fruits. Most of them evaluated foods on the basis of the taste. They valued fruits over any other foods as least fattened food, while they thought of such foods as rice, cola, cider, ice-cream, chocolate, batter-fried food, chinese noodles as fattened foods.
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