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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(1):33-47.
논문편 : 도토리 전분 묵의 Rheology 특성과 Tannin 성분의 영향에 대하여
구성자 , 장정옥 , 중병신자
Study on the Rheological Properties and Effects of Tannin components of Acorn Starch Gel
Sung Ja Koo , Jung Ok Chang , Nobuko Nakahama , Michiko Kobayash
The rheological properties of acorn starch gel were investigated in region of small and large deformation. The properties were compared with those of potato and wheat starch gel. On the physical characteristics and the effect of tannin contents of acorn starch were examined. RESULTS : 1. X-ray diffractogram of acorn starch showed C-type and its granules swelled gradully with heating. 2. Hardness, brittleness and both small and large deformation of the acorn starch gel were remarkably large, also the concentration dependence of the acorn starch gel could be recognized in small deformation and hardness. 3. The Young's modulus of Hookean body in small deformation and the rupture stress in large deformation differed obviously from the parameters of rheological properties in various gels. 4. It was found that the selling power, viscosity and rhelogical properties were affected obviously by the tannin.
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