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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(3):45-54.
논문편 - 가정관리 분야 : 노인의 생활만족도에 관한 연구
A Study on the Life Satisfaction of the Aged
Myung Cha Kim
This Study is designed to clarify the life satisfaction of the aged in Seoul. The data were taken from the interview and the questionaire with 40 items collected form 192 elderly. The T-test, F-test were applied and the results are as follows: 1. The greater life satisfaction is manifested by the aged men than the aged women. 2. The death of spouse is detrimental to the life satisfaction score of the aged. 3. There is no significant difference in life satisfaction between those living with and without their married children. 4. There is no significant difference in life satisfaction between any religion categories. 5. The better educated elderly are more likely to be satisfied with their life than less educated. 6. By increasing social contacts, the aged can strengthen their life satisfaction.
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