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J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc > Volume 49(1); 2011 > Article
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2011;49(1):41-53. doi: https://doi.org/10.6115/khea.2011.49.1.041
A Study on the Management of Environmentally Friendly Planning Features in Condominiums with Green Building Certification
Hee-Jean Seok, Hyung-Ock Hong
Department of Housing and Interior Design, Kyung Hee University
Corresponding Author: Hyung-Ock Hong ,Tel: +82-2-961-0259, Fax: +82-2-961-0261, Email: hong1215@khu.ac.kr
Received: August 31, 2010; Revised: September 7, 2010   Accepted: October 27, 2010.
The purpose of this paper was to examine the management of Environmentally Friendly Planning Features(EFPF) in condominium with Green Building Certification(GBC). A questionnaire survey was conducted among management office staff and residents on six housing estates in Seoul. The data from 200 respondents were analysed using descriptive statistics and t-tests. The main findings were as followings : 1) Most of the staffs considered that garbage collection and recycling, and green spaces were well-managed. 2) The residents indicated that garbage collection and recycling, and green spaces were properly handled, but they failed to recognize these as EFPF. 3) Residency duration was unrelated to the residents' perceptions of the EFPF and their management. In conclusion, neither the residents nor the staff were aware of the GBC system or that their housing estates were built using EFPF. To remedy this, it can be assumed the residents' lack of appreciation of the EFPF can be resolved if they participate in the management of these features. So the residents will need education, and the management staff will require professional training.
Keywords: environmentally friendly planning features, EFPF, green building certification, GBC, housing management
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