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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2008;46(8):27-36.
아동의 공격성과 분노조절전략, 분노조절정도간 관련성
이헤련, 김경연
부산대학교 아동가족학과
Analysis of the Relationships between Children's Aggression, Anger Regulation Strategies and Anger Regulation Degree
Hae-Lyon Lee, Kim, Kyong-Yeon
Department of Child Development & Family Studies, Pusan National University, Department of Child Development & Family Studies, Pusan National University
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between children's aggression, their anger regulation strategy and anger regulation degree. Using an aggression scale, a total of 428 elementary school children in grades 5 and 6 were examined and partitioned into two groups; -the high aggression group (n = 107) and low aggression group (n = 109). They rated the degree to which they felt anger in anger events. They selected one strategy used to regulate anger. Then they rated the degree to which they felt anger after using the selected regulation strategy. The results of this study showed that the high aggression group responded by high degree of anger, low degree of anger regulation and used more affect diffusion strategy. Regardless of children's aggression source, support pursuit strategy was confirmed to be the most effective remedial method while children regulated anger in anger events.
Keywords: 분노조절, Anger Regulation, 분노조절전략, Anger Regulation Strategy, 공격성, Aggression
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