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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(10):167-177.
물질주의 성향과 환경의식이 의복의 재활용태도 및 행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
The Influence of materialism and Environment Consciousness on Recycling Attitude and Behavior of Clothing
Hyun Hee Park, Oh, Song Dae
Department of Clothing & Textiles, Kyungpook National University, Division of Business Administration, Pukyong National University
The purpose of this study was to ensure that materialism is an important explanation variable not only for consumption behavior of clothing but also for recycling attitude and behavior of clothing. Therefore, we investigated the influence of materialism and environment consciousness on recycling attitude and behavior of clothing. A total of 210 survey questionnaires were collected. The results revealed that materialism didn't directly affect recycling attitude, but that the happiness dimension of materialism negatively affected environment consciousness and that materialism indirectly affected recycling attitude and behavior via environment consciousness. Environment consciousness dimensions partially affected recycling attitude and behavior of clothing. Recycling altitude positively affected recycling behavior.
Keywords: 물질주의, Materialism, 재활용태도, Recycling Attitude, 재활용행동, Recycling Behavior, 환경의식, Environment Consciousness
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