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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(9):1-18.
우즈베키스탄 거주 고려인의 주생활에 관한 연구
A Study on the dwellings of the Korean Diaspora of Uzbekistan
Young Shim Lee, Sang Hae Lee
Dept. of Architecture, Sungkyunkwan University
Most of the Korean diaspora who lived in Yunhaeju moved to Central Asia in 1937 following the policy of deportation of Russia. Uzbekistan is the representative place for Korean diaspora to have settled down in Central Asia at that time and mort Korean diaspora in Central Asia are living in Uzbekistan now. Korean diaspora have maintained a traditional way of living for 140 years without a deep relationship with Korea. This study examined the dwellings of the Korean diaspora of Uzbekistan in Central Asia by visiting their houses and conducting interviews. Results of the research were as following: 1) The houses of the Korean diaspora in Uzbekistan in early times consisted of 2-3 bedrooms with Gudle. Gudle is the most traditional element of the Korean diaspora's house and it has been used as a place for gathering family members. 2) Korean diaspora's houses in Uzbekistan were built according to Russian and Uzbek style but most of the Korean diaspora's have a mixed style with traditional Korean elements of living.3) The changing process of planning and building codes of apartments in Uzbekistan is similar to that in other CIS nations and all of Russia. 4) Korean's food style is a mixture of Korean, Russian and Central Asian foods. Kimchi and Jang (bean paste) are essential for most Koreans and most Koreans are making these at home. 5) Most Koreans have maintained a good relationship with the Uzbek people and Koreans are very active in gelling along well with all. This enables them to exchange their culture eventually in various parts. This study could be the first step to supply basic information for the study of the Korean diaspora in Uzbekistan. Deeper research over a wider range is needed in Russia.
Keywords: 중앙아시아, Central Asia, 우즈베키스탄, Uzbekistan, 한인동포, Korean Diaspora, 혼합생활양식, mixed style of living, 전통 생활요소, traditional elements in living, 문화 교류, culture exchange
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