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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(4):71-83.
도시가계의 온라인교육비와 교육만족도의 영향요인 분석
Analysts of Factors Affecting Households' Educational Expenditure and Satisfaction on On-line Educational System
홍성희, 곽인숙, 이경희
The purpose of this research is to analyse the factors affecting household's educational expenditure on on-line educational system, student's recognition of better remarks effect, and satisfaction of on-line educational system. The sample of this study was 484 parents who had experiences of using on-Une educational system for their children being from preschool to high school. The results were as follows ; First, the household's educational expenditure on on-line educational system was affected from the sex, children's school level, and using on-line educational system or not. Second, the significant variables which affected students' recognition of better remarks effect were husbands' job, number of children, the first child's school level, households' monthly expenditure, students' remarks at school, and using on-line educational system or not. Third, the satisfaction of on-line educational system was affected from husband's job, using on-line educational system or not, and the students' recognition of better remarks effect.
Keywords: 온라인교육비 지출, the educatopnal expenditure on on-line educational system, 온라인교육 성적 향상도, recognition of better remarks effect, 온라인교육 만족도, satisfaction of on-line educational system
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