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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(2):107-121.
괴화 추출물에 의한 모와 나일론직물의 염색성
Dyeing of Wool and Nylon Fabrics with Chinese Scholar Tree Extract
배정숙, 허만우
대구대학교 패션디자인학과,경일대학교 섬유·패션학과
This study was discussed the dyeing of wool and nylon fabrics with Chinese Scholar Tree extract. The extracts of Chinese Scholar Tree was prepared in the condition of heating at 95±5С , for 1 hour and cooling to 40C. And then the extracts of color matter treate with vacuum concentration at 60±2℃, 30mmHg and dried with spray dryer. The dyeing of wool and nylon fabric in this experiment was also employed the mordant dyeing method such as pre-mordant, post-mordant and simultaneous mordant method. The mordanting agents used in this study were as followings ; aluminium potassium sulfate, copper(II) acetate monohydrate, chromium potassium sulfate 7Н2O, Tin(II) chloride dihydrate, iron(II)sulfate 7Н2O. For an evaluation of the dyeing property of the mordanting agents, the pre-mordant method, the repeat dyeing and the fastness of the light, dry cleaning, washing and rubbing measured respectively. From the results of the dye absorption, the optimum dyeing condition of the wool and nylon fabrics with Chinese Scholar Tree extract is at 80C dyeing temperature for 60 minutes. The optimum concentration of mordanting agent is Al, Cr, Sn 1%, Fe, Cu 2% solution. In general, the fastness property of the dyed wool and nylon fabrics had a comparatively high grade.
Keywords: 괴화추출물, Chinese scholar tree extract, 매염방법, mordant method, 매염제, mordanting agent, 견뢰도, fastness property
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