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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(8):155-173.
인터넷상의 소비자정보 만족도 - 가전제품정보를 중심으로 -
박기영, 이승신
건국대학교 소비자 · 주거학과
Consumer Information Satisfaction on Internet -Focused on the Information of Household Electric Appliances
박기영, 이승신
This study is to improve reasonable consumption as a consumer and interests of the consumers through analyzing the consumer satisfaction degree on product information provided on Internet, and to present basic information to contribute in protecting consumers through preventing harms on them due to insufficient or unnecessary information. The major results of the study are summarized as follows: 1) The degree of understanding characteristics in information focus on household electric appliances provided for the consumers on Internet found to be 'average'. 2) In the degree of significancy for information of the household electric appliances, consumers recognized information regarding services most important. 3) The overall satisfaction degree on information regarding household electric appliances on Internet was evaluated through giving a weight to the degree of significancy for the products and adding the satisfaction degree by information contents, and it was found to be 'average'.
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