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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(8):141-157.
부부의 인적자본과 가계소비지출구조
양세정, 여윤경
상명대학교 소비자·주거학과, 이화여자대학교 소비자·인간발달학과
Human Capital and Consumption Structure in Husband-Wife Households
양세정, 여윤경
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of husband-wife's human capital on household consumption structure. This study used the 1996 Expenditure Survey of Urban families from National Statistics Office. Of the samples, 62.36 percent of the households had the same educational attainment for husband and wife. The households with more educated couples tended to have more household income and more household expenditure. Regression analyses showed that the educational level of husband-wife was found to be a significant factor on most household expenditure categories after controlling other household characteristics. Specifically, significant and positive effects of the educational level of husband-wife were found on the expenditures for food at home, food away from home, housing, clothing, education, and transportation.
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