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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(4):115-128.
부모가 지각하는 사회적 지지정도와 자녀훈육방법에 관한 연구
카톨릭대학교 생활과학부 아동학
A Study of Parental Social Support and Disciplinary Practices
This study was conducted to examine the relation between parental social support and disciplinary practices for fathers and mothers of young children. Two hundred-twenty mothers and two hundred-twenty fathers completed measures of parental social support and child disciplinary practices. The analyses were conducted separately for the group of fathers and the group of mothers. Descriptive analysis, Cronbach'α correlations and t-tests were used to examine research Questions. The resets of this study were as follows: 1. Social supports of the provisions of guidance, reliable alliance, and attachment were higher for mothers than for fathers. On the other hand, social support of the reassurance of worth was higher for lathers then for mothers. 2. Social supports of the provisions of guidance and reliable alliance were higher for fathers of sons than for fathers of daughters. 3. Social supports of the reliable alliance and social integration were higher for fathers of higher income than for fathers of lower income. 4. For both fathers and mothers, the higher they perceived their social supports, the more they used effective parental disciplinary practices.
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