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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(4):33-48.
노인 부모의 식생활 의존도 및 노인 급식 프로그램에 대한 의식 조사
김정현, 이영미, 이기완, 명춘옥, 박영심, 남혜원
배제대학교 인문대학 가정교육과, 경원대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과, 경원대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과, 오산대학 식품조리과, 신흥대학 식품영양과, 수원여자대학 식품영양과
Study on the degree of dependence on flood environment and the perception of meal service program for elderly parents
김정현, 이영미, 이기완, 명춘옥, 박영심, 남혜원
This study was designed to examine the degree of dependence on dietary environment, evaluate the perception of metal service program and investigate factors affecting the demand for meal service programs for elderly parents. The purpose of this study provided the basic information for the development and systemization of meal service program for elderly. Eight hundred twenty semen adults who have elderly parents were surveyed using pre-designed written questionnaire. According to the results on the life environments of their elderly parents, psychological factors(41.7%), living condition(14.3%) and dietary environment (13.2%) had trouble. Physical and psychological conditions significantly affected the dietary environment(p<0.05). Only 9.2% of the subjects were already aware of recognized the meal service program for elderly, and the degree of recognition differed significantly by sex and education level. Women had better perception of meal service program for elderly than men. In men, they would expect to use congregate meal service(44.1%), home-delivered meal service (23.7%), nursing home meal service(16.9%) in order. On the other hand, for women, home-delivered meal service (41.2%), congregate meat service(44.1%), and nursing home meal service (16.8%) in order. Therefore there are significant differences between men and women what type they want(p<0.001). For those who haute both of the parents or either one of them, they would use more of congregate meal service (38.8%) and home-delivered meal service (38.8%) than nursing home meal service (15.5%). The group whose parents are lower socio-economic status would have tendency to use the nursing home meal service (p=0.06). The group of whom believe the dietary environment is the problem of their parents'life environment had preference of using congregate meal service and home-delivered meal service.
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