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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(10):49-64.
남녀 중학생의 가정교사 교육내용과 관련된 가정생활 행동체계에서의 실천도에 관한 연구
삼천포 제일중학교 교사
A Study on the Practive of Middle School Students in Three Systems of Action in Home Life in Relation with Home Economics Curriculum Contents
The purpose of this study is to find out the degree of practice in three systems of action in home life of female and male middle school students who have learned the home economics under the 6th curriculum revision for three years since 1995 by teacher's major, student's sex, help from the family members, mothers' job, and the form of family. The results of this study are as follows: 1) The practice in systems of action in home life is relatively low in the communicative action, but is high unexpectably in emancipative action. 2) Depending on teacher's major, the practice in systems of action in home life of the students who have been taught by home economics majored teacher is high in communicative action but there is no significant difference in emancipative action between two groups. 3) The r]practice of female students is high in family, clothing, and housing areas, but therer is no significant difference between female and male students in resources and consuming, and food and nutrition areas of home life. 4) The more the family members help the students, the higher their practice in systems of action in home life. 5) The practice in all systems of action in home life has no significant difference between mothers with jobs and mothers without jobs. 6) There is no significant difference in systems of action in home life among groups by forms of family. 7) The result of multiple regression analysis shows that the helf from family members and sex of student independent variables have relative influence in the practice of home life.
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A Study on the Clothing Behavior of High School Students in terms of Creativity, Individuality and Conformity  2003 September;41(9)
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