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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1995;33(3):279-289.
서울시 아파트 거주 중년기 가정의 생활 실태와 문제 (1) : 주생활을 중심으로
한양대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과
Family Life Issues of Middle Aged Apartment-Residents in Seoul : Focused on Residential Environment
The purpose of this research was to analyze the residential environment of the middle aged apartment-residents in seoul as a part of collaborative study on family life issues of them. the sampling area was divided tin to kangnam and Kangbuk according to the residential location and upper middle group and lower middle group according to the size of the apartment unit. The data were collected from 307 fulltime housewives with at least one child in a junior or senior high school. Housing circumstance was generally adequate to the middle aged apartment-residents in seoul. the findings supported the family housing adjustment theory well. however, the results showed that the housing policies should reflect to the various housing demands on the structure type, size, and tenure of dwelling, unaffordability of low income renters, and stabilizing the housing price as well as expanding the housing mortgages for the middle aged to prepare for one's own aging.
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